Special tracks (conference submission)
Call For Special Tracks
- Proposed special tracks should not duplicate the general conference topics and should concentrate on emerging research fields within image processing and pattern recognition.
- We encourage tracks that foster stimulating discussions on state-of-the-art, emerging, visionary, and even controversial topics.
- Submitted papers must present significant unpublished work, meeting the same high standards as main conference papers.
- All accepted papers will be featured in the official conference proceedings. We expect all accepted tracks to adhere to the conference paper submission.
Special Track Topics of Interest (but not limited to)
- Advancements in AI for Image Processing
- Image Segmentation Techniques and Applications
- Pattern Recognition in Healthcare
- Computer Vision for Autonomous Systems
- Human-Centric Image Analysis
- Integrating Text and Image Information
- Bridging the Physical and Digital Worlds
- Biometric Pattern Recognition
- Ethical Considerations in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
- Image Forensics
- Real-time Image and Video Analytics
- Cyber-Physical System
- Federated Learning in Image Processing
- AI in Healthcare, Finance, Agriculture, etc.
Special Track Submission
- Kindly use the template provided to prepare the proposal.
- Each proposal must include:
- Special track title ,
- A brief biography of special track organizer(s),
- A draft of Special Track Call for papers (important dates must be the same of the main conference, see website),
- List of potential Reviewers must be provided.
- Send Your Special Track Proposals to rtip2r.2025@gmail.com with subject line: Special Track Proposal for RTIP2R-2025
- Deadline for special track proposal: 25th March 2025