Call For Papers
- The contributions describing original, state-of-the art unpublished research, and not currently under
review by another conference or journal and addressing the latest and current research
are invited in RTIP2R 2025.
- Best student paper awards will be conferred at the conference.
- Topics of interest for general submission include, but are not limited to:
- Signal, image processing, and machine learning: Signal processing, image analysis fundamentals, algorithms, clustering and classification, model selection (ma- chine
learning), feature engineering, federated learning, and shallow as well as deep learning.
- Computer vision & pattern recognition: Object detection and/or recognition (shape, color and texture analysis) and pattern recognition (statistical, structural, and syntactic methods).
- Machine learning: Algorithms, clustering and classification, model selection (machine learning), feature engineering, deep learning, and federated Learning (applications and challenges)
- Data science/analytics: Data mining tools, high-performance computing in big data
Paper submission & review policy (read carefully)
- Guidelines: Click Here.
(Authors are advised to prepare the manuscript as per conference guidelines)
- Templates: LaTeX , MS-Word (Authors are suggested to prefer LaTeX template)
- Submissions should be made through Microsoft CMT:
- Step by Step Paper Submission Procedure: Click Here.
- Authors should clearly identify the problem, their contributions, and justification with respect to the state-of-the-art works.
- The program committee would like to review papers that develop, argue, and provide results.
- Ensure that all co-authors have approved the final version of the manuscript before submission.
- All submitted manuscripts will undergo a single blind review process by experts in the field.
- Authors will be notified of the acceptance status of their manuscripts and any required revisions.
- Authors are expected to address reviewers' comments and revise their manuscripts accordingly within the specified timeframe.
- The review process considers both the quality of writing and the scientific impact of the work. Authors should clearly identify the problem, explain their contribution(s), and justify the state-of-the-art works. The program committee would like to review those who develop, argue, and provide results.
- Also, note that the RTIP2R team takes care of plagiarism (even self-plagiarism) as serious professional misconduct. All papers will be screened for plagiarism, and the RTIP2R team will reject them in case there exists significant overlap with the previously published papers/papers.
Copyright and Permissions
- By submitting your manuscript, you confirm that the work is original and has not been published elsewhere.
- Copyright will be applicable as per the publisher.
In line with past RTIP2R events, conference proceedings will be published in Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier (Scopus indexed) .
Selected and/or best papers may be extended for journal issues (SCI, Scopus, and DBLP indexed).
Hybrid event
- In case authors need an option in presenting their papers and/or attending the
conference event on-line, please contact at
Best PhD Dissertation Award PDF
- The doctoral candidate is required to submit a one-page nomination letter signed by his/her Supervisor/Department or Institute
- The candidate is supposed to highlight the major contributions of the dissertation justifying the worth of the dissertation for the award.
- Submit your nominations (with subject line RTIP2R2025: Phd Dissertation Award Application) to (Deadline: 31st July 2025 )
Student Best Paper Award
- Student best paper award will be conferred at the conference.