Program schedule: PDF
To facilitate the booking process for conference attendees, they can make reservations directly through the following link and use the postcode DE1 3LD (Enterprise Centre) to find nearby accommodation.
Link for Booking
T his convenient option allows attendees to quickly access information and book accommodations that best suit their needs.
Kindly contact Muntazir Mehdi (local organiser) at or +44-7762253211, if you have any questions or concerns related to accommodation during conference.
Conference Venue and Presentation Sessions
As the RTIP2R 2023 Conference approaches, we are reaching out to kindly inform you about the conference venue and presentation sessions schedule.Each author presentation is allocated 10 minutes in total, with 8 minutes for the main content and 2 minutes dedicated to Q&A. The authors who will be presenting in-person are requested to submit their presentation slides to the conference at
In-person presentation:
Venue: Conference room: G11, G12, Enterprise Centre, Bridge St, Derby, DE1 3LD
Presentation duration: 10 minutes
Q/A: 2 minutes
Session: Available in program schedule
Online presentation:
Venue: Microsoft Teams link below.
Presentation duration: 8 minutes
Q/A: 2 minutes
Session: Available in program schedule
7th December:
G11- Main hall: 10am-3pm (session 1, session 2)
Meeting ID: 313 318 656 333
Passcode: 5Xh6QB
3pm-6pm (session 3, session 5)
Meeting ID: 332 759 420 087
Passcode: uLtNqV
G13- 3pm-6pm (session 4, session 6)
Meeting ID: 367 091 083 468
Passcode: iGYUWB
8th December:
G11- Main hall: 10am-2:30pm (workshop + session 7)
Meeting ID: 323 565 100 074
Passcode: Ey8Zhz
2:30pm - 6:30pm (session 8, session 10)
Meeting ID: 311 148 200 419
Passcode: 8CHeMS
G13- 2:30 pm- 6:30pm (session 9, session 11)
Meeting ID: 392 506 549 396
Passcode: nXQN7j
Announcement Following events, best paper awards, and many more. Concluding remarks 6pm- 7pm
Meeting ID: 330 620 894 679
Passcode: MYe6k6
As the conference is taking place in the UK, all scheduled times will be in the UK time zone, GMT.
Your presentation will contribute significantly to the enriching discussions and knowledge exchange at RTIP2R 2023. We expect engaging content that highlights your research and insights within the time limit provided.
Welcome to the RTIP2R 2023
The 6th International Conference on Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern
Recognition (RTIP2R) aims to attract current and/or advanced research on image
processing, pattern recognition, computer vision, and machine learning. The RTIP2R
2023 will take place at the University of Derby, United Kingdom on December 7 - 8,
2023 in collaboration with 2AI Research Lab - Computer Science, University of South
Dakota (USA). The contributions describing original, state-of-the art unpublished
research, and not currently under review by another conference or journal and
addressing the latest and current research are invited in RTIP2R 2023. Best student
paper awards will be conferred at the conference.
Update: Program schedule has been finalized. Follow the schedule in this document and get ready for your presentation.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to
• Signal, image processing, and machine learning: Signal processing, image analysis
fundamentals, algorithms, clustering and classification, model selection (ma
chine learning), feature engineering, federated learning, and shallow as well as
deep learning.
• Computer vision & pattern recognition: Object detection and/or recognition (shape,
color and texture analysis) and pattern recognition (statistical, structural, and
syntactic methods).
• Machine learning: Algorithms, clustering and classification, model selection (ma
chine learning), feature engineering, deep learning, and federated Learning
(applications and challenges).
• Data science/analytics: Data mining tools, high-performance computing in big data.
Link to all the special tracks is here.
Journal publications (special issue)
• Explainable and/or Interpretable AI for Biomedical and Health Informatics, International Journal of Pattern Recognition & Artificial Intelligence (IJPRAI) (Download file).
• Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Electronics - Computer Science & Engineering section, MDPI. (electronics) (Download file).
Fractured bone detection challenge
The goal of this challenge is to identify fractured bone in limbs using CT scans.
We offer a collection of 5567 clinically annotated anonymized CT-Scan Slices, obtained from multiple hospitals. This dataset includes a total of 24 CT scans, each containing approximately 200-300 slices. The scans cover both the upper and lower limbs.
To participate and know more about the competition please register through this link. You will get an invite link for a Kaggle competition after you register.
Important note. Winners will receive conference registration fees and will be invited to present their papers during the conference. In addition, papers will be selected for a possible publicaiton in a journal issue (SCI indexed).
Competition deadline: 10/15/2023 11:59 PM (UTC)
Paper submission
Papers are expected to be within the 8-15 page range. The review process takes into account both the quality in writing and the scientific impact of the work. Authors should clearly identify the problem, their contribution(s), justification with respect to the state-of-the-art works. The program committee would like to review those, who develop, argue, and provide results. We recommend using the LaTeX template for preparing submissions.
Please follow the template for preparing a conference paper CCIS, Springer Nature and Overleaf.
Submissions should be made through the RTIP2R 2023 Microsoft CMT webpage:
Outstanding PhD dissertation award
Submit your nominations to and with the subject line RTIP2R2023: Best PhD Dissertation Award Nomination. The submission deadline is July 31, 2023 (all time zones). Please check this file for further details: Download the pdf.