Welcome to the RTIP2R 2016
The first International Conference on Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (RTIP2R) aims to attract current and/or decent research on image processing, pattern recognition and computer vision. The RTIP2R will take place in December 16 - 17, 2016 in Bidar, Karnataka, India. The conference venue will be the Karnatak Arts, Science and Commerce College, Bidar, Karnataka, INDIA. The Conference Chairs and Program Committee invite all researchers working on image processing, pattern recognition and computer vision to submit original research papers. Papers are presented in oral and poster sessions at the conference, along with invited talks by leading scientists. Accepted papers will be published and indexed by reputed publishers. Papers will also be indexed by DBLP. A Best Student Paper Award will be provided at the conference.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to
✓ Shape representation
✓ Image segmentation
✓ Feature extraction and reduction
✓ Color and texture analysis
✓ Image compression, coding and encryption
✓ Statistical, structural and syntactic pattern representation
✓ Model selection
✓ Clustering and classification
✓ Content-based image retrieval and indexing
✓ Document image analysis and understanding
✓ Optical character recognition
✓ Forensics
✓ Biometrics: face matching, iris recognition/verification, foot-print verification
✓ Speech analysis and understanding
✓ Speaker verification
✓ Biomedical image analysis
✓ Bioinformatics
Call for papers (in pdf) will be updated regularly.
Paper submission
Papers are expected to be within the 6-10 page range. The review process takes into account both the quality in writing and the scientific impact of the work. Authors should clearly identify the problem, their contribution(s), justification with respect to the state-of-the-art works. The program committee would like to review those, who develop, argue, and provide results. We recommend using the LaTeX template for preparing submissions. Note that it is the authors' responsibility to upload PDF using the easychair. The template for preparing the paper can be downloaded by clicking on the following links.
✓ LaTeX Template
✓ Word Template
Submissions should be made through the RTIP2R 2016 Easychair Paper Submission Web Page.